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On Tuesday evening, 21st June 1911 a meeting was convened by Mr R S Bell at his residence, and it was proposed that a club named THE MURRAY BRIDGE BOWLING CLUB be formed.

Mr F Provis was elected Chairman, and Mr H Taylor  Secretary . Mr Jobling, Mr Hill, Mr Lane, Mr Nicholson, Mr Doeman, Mr Gudge, Mr Bell, Mr Dick, Mr Tank, MR Sladden, Mr Hayman and Mr Yates were elected on the committee. Correspondence with valuable advice on forming a Club and laying greens was received from Mr T Crase. Secretary of Adelaide Bowling Club, and Mr E H Morris Secretary of Victor Harbour Bowling Club. 

Permission from District Council was received to use the Parkland near Mr Gudge's shop. The first official committee meeting was held in Mr Homburg senior's office, on July 18th 1911. Work had already started on the greens. The club obtained a loan of £60. 0. 0 or from The Bank of Adelaide, with 13 members acting as guarantors.An entrance fee of £ l. 1.0 for each member as well as subscriptions were made. The first roller was purchased in August 1911 for. £10. 0. 0. In September 1911 Mr Bushell from Sturt Cricket Club  agreed to plant the green. Mr Gerloft and Mr Weyland were elected life members of the club for their efforts in having the site ready for planting. Mr F .Provis  resigned and Mr Dick filled the vacancy. .

 It was agreed at this time to proceed with the erection of a pavilion, of post and iron roof only.

The Club progressed successfully from the start, and by Easter 1915 when the first Country Carnival was held , Murray Bridge Club were the victors.

 In 1923 lights were installed over three rinks at a cost of £43.15. 0 Mr. Bell was made a life member after 20 years as Greens Manager.

In 1936 Building of new Clubrooms commenced. During the war years members were asked to donate 3 pence per week to help reduce the overdraft.

In 1942 Our patron of some 20 years was knighted - Sir John Cowan.

1944  An attempt was made to play bowls on a Sunday and was opposed by Clergy and some prominent members of the Club.

In 1950 approval was given for ladies to use the greens one day per week.

1953 New ladies club formed and established on premises in South Terrace with full support from this club.

1967 saw an application to Council for land at the corner of Thomas Street and Adelaide Road , Murray Bridge. $40,000 was borrowed and building commenced in 1969 with occupation in July 1970

.Of the four new greens one (B green ) was fitted with lights in 1972.

The club continued to go from strength to strength and in 1981 a special meeting accepted lady members as Associates and our ladies club was formed with 30 members.

 In 2002 new lighting was installed over B & C greens giving an excellent night bowling facility.

 It was decided in1998 to replace the greens with tift dwarf grass and at the rate of one green each year this was done.

© 2018 Murray Bridge Lawn Bowls Club


Photos courtesy of Lucas Bubner

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